Black Canyon Homebrewers Association


Next Meeting

  1. -Next meeting: TBA - Shoot us an email for the date/time.

If anyone has ideas for things to do at the meetings, such as tours or talks or brewing, feel free to offer them up. Call Eric with any questions - 970-275-6828 or email bcha at blackcanyonbrewers dot com & we’ll have a meeting!

BCHA is back up & running, revitalized with the opening of Montrose’s first real brewery, Horsefly Brewing Company. The brewery was started by a couple of members that wanted to live the dream & they are doing it. Congrats to them.

They are a big time supporter of BCHA. Thanks Horsefly!

For more info about the Black Canyon brewers Association, email : bcha at blackcanyonbrewers dot com